Long Days, Short Nights. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.
Have you noticed how it gets dark so early in the evening these days? Around here the sun sets as early as 5:00 PM! The days are so short this time of year because we just passed through the winter solstice which is the shortest day of the year. Tomorrow it will stay light out for one minute more than it did today. The day after tomorrow it will stay light out for one more minute after that. Every day from here on out is going to be longer than the last - all the way until the summer solstice on June 21st (which just so happens to be Waterball day during the first week of camp!). On that day the sun won't set until 8:35 PM, and it'll still be light enough to see until 9:00 or later. That's almost past my bedtime!
I notice the winter solstice every year because it means we've made it half of the way to the next camp season. I can't wait for those long days and short nights of summer, can you?